Na forum BMW wywiązała się…

Na forum BMW wywiązała się dyskusja o Tesli i odezwało się kilka osób które zakupiły ostatnio Model 3 Performance. Coraz więcej posiadaczy BMW przesiada się do konkurenta, wyjaśniają dlaczego. Dla znających podstawy angielskiego od trzeciej wypowiedzi: Long time BMW (~20 years) enthusiast here. … I currently have an E36 325i with track suspension setup and a E82 135i with Performance Suspension upgrade and many M3 suspension part upgrades. The 135i is tuned and is a beast especially with the upgraded suspension setup. I was in the market for a new car and cross shopped between the M2 Competition and either latest or upcoming M3 and the Performance Model 3. Well, I test drove the Performance Model 3 and was just blown away. The hyper-low center of gravity and low polar moment of inertia (just a frunk where a heavy engine would be) and insanely quick, smooth and silent acceleration just threw a curve-ball to everything I knew about sport sedans & performance cars. Especially one in this weight class. The car is simply a beast and absolutely out performs anything BMW has to offer today. After a few days of taking it up my favorite mountain twisty roads with…