Kilka ciekawych sztuk…

Kilka ciekawych sztuk ostatnio przypłynęło, zaczynamy od S5 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #blkauto #motoryzacja #carboners #audi #pokazauto

Kobieta za kierownicą Modelu…

Kobieta za kierownicą Modelu S straciła panowanie przy 190km/h na niemieckiej autostradzie na skutek manewru kierowcy #bmw Uderzyła w barierkę i zgubiła parę części 😉 Skończyło się bez większych obrażeń. Tłumaczenie na „angielski” przez Google: Tesla accident at Höhenrain: A woman from Munich has lost control of her vehicle on the A95. The highway resembled a debris field afterwards. Höhenrain – A 42-year-old girl from Munich lost control of her black Tesla Model S on the A95 on Sunday afternoon. She was heading for Garmisch at 180 to 190 kilometers per hour at 15.58. Shortly before the Rastanlage Höhenrain drove on the right lane a 69-year-old man from Gummersbach with his BMW 5 Series. The Gummersbacher made a slight steering movement in the direction of the left lane – but without leaving its lane. This small steering movement forced the woman to dodge to the left. Through this steering movement, she lost control of her vehicle. She tried to correct it by countersteering and braking. Woman could leave Tesla almost unhurt After a spin of about 150 meters over the entire road, the Munich player crashed into the middle protection barrier with great force. After the heavy impact of…